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INT 24h (36) Critical-Error Handler Address
Contains the address to which control is passed in response to a
"critical" (usually hardware) error. When a program is executed, DOS
copies this address into offset 12h through 15h of the Program Segment
When the critical error handling routine is invoked, the following
diagnostic information is available:
1. Bit 7 of AH is clear if the error is related to a disk operation.
If bit 7 of AH is set, it usually means the error is not a disk
error (although an error in a disk's FAT can still result in bit
7 of AH being set).
2. If Bit 7 of AH is clear, AL returns the disk drive ID number
(0=A, 1=B, etc.), and bits 0 through 2 of AH provide further
information, as follows:
Bit 2 1 0
. . 0 Read error
. . 1 Write error
0 0 . Error involving DOS system files
0 1 . Error involving the FAT
3. BP:SI point to a device header control block.
4. The low-order byte of DI provides the following information
DI Meaning
00h Attempt to write on write-protected diskette
01h Unknown unit
02h Drive not ready
03h Unknown command
04h Data error (CRC)
05h Bad request structure length
06h Seek error
07h Media format not recognized
08h Sector not found
09h Printer out of paper
0Ah Write error
0Bh Read error
0Ch General, nonspecific error
5. The stack contains the complete register set of the program that
issued the DOS function call that ended in the critical error. To
retrieve this information, first perform the following
The stack will then be structured as follows:
BP offset Stack contents
00h BP value that you PUSHed
02h IP:CS nded in the critical error. To
retrieve this information, first perform the following
The stack will then be structured as follows:
BP offset Stack contents
00h BP value that you PUSHed
02h IP:CS of DOS service invoking critical error handler
06h Flags of DOS service invoking critical error handler
08h AX of program invoking DOS service
0Ah BX of program invoking DOS service
0Ch CX of program invoking DOS service
0Eh DX of program invoking DOS service
10h SI of program invoking DOS service
12h DI of program invoking DOS service
14h BP of program invoking DOS service
16h DS of program invoking DOS service
18h ES of program invoking DOS service
1Ah IP:CS of program invoking DOS service
1Eh Flags of program invoking DOS service
In reporting the condition to your program's user, do not use DOS
function calls above 0Ch. Doing so will destroy DOS's internal stack
and result in unpredictable behavior.
On exit from your error-handling routine, DOS will look for an return
code in AL and behave as follows:
AL DOS action
0 Ignore the error
1 Retry the operation
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Written by Dave Pearson